Safer roads

How can we make roads safer?

Durability through technology.

By fully understanding the challenges and performance requirements PAVE capability can be used to model and engineer durable performance solutions. Our integrated technologies can predict accurate works programmes, planning guides and installation logistics. The data recorded can then be used to manage the asset maintenance. From early engagement and prework planning, to materials selection, installation and analytics PAVE technology can deliver safer roads.

Ride quality

Surface texture

Skid resistance


Safer roads digital technology available with PAVE 

Technology/capability Information
Total station machine guidance Z value only. Usual reference absolute Z.
Total station machine guidance with width and steering control X, Y and Z value. Usual absolute Z.
SmoothRide Milling AX, Y Values feed to machine Z value derived from Relative information in model. Improves Profile by creating a consistent platform to work from.
SmoothRide PAVE X, Y Values feed to machine Z value derived from Relative information in model. Improves the pavement profile.
Averaging beams up to 13m length Improves short wavelength profile works to relative elevation with no consideration or reference to absolute Z values.
Compaction data recording Geo located positioning to 30cm X and Y to produce reports and analytics. Temperatures / pass counts Evibe values. Dynamic and static pass count separation. Displayed visually and graphically on satellite or OS map imagery. Exportable.
Point of work weather data BPO/ Pave assist / Road scan technologies for efficient productivity.
GNSS digital laying records Geo located positions accurate to 30cm x and y inclusive of load pin locations, product description, unloading temperatures, time and date stamped. UK Sector 16 compliant.
Optimised planning Milling, material installation, logistics and continuous paving. The model outputs and simulates the impact of changes to ensure just in time deliveries.
GNSS correlated Testing results for textures using MPD and Profile (RSE) Data collection on site, instant reporting for compliance, data geospatially represented.
Automated measurement of area surfaced Using mounted thermal cameras machine sensor data records distance travelled, screed width and approx. depth paved.
Augmented reality 3D modelling 3D design using VR helmet or AR handheld for transparency of works programmes, efficiencies and safe working.